
Revelations typically refers to the act of making something known or revealed, often in a dramatic or significant context. The term can denote the disclosure of information that was previously hidden, leading to new understanding or insight.

In a religious context, “Revelations” is often associated with the last book of the New Testament in the Christian Bible, known as the Book of Revelation. This text is attributed to John of Patmos and contains prophetic visions concerning the end times, the second coming of Christ, and the final judgment. It employs symbolic language and vivid imagery to convey divine truths and future events.

In a broader cultural context, revelations can apply to any significant disclosures in literature, personal experiences, or historical events, where new information transforms perceptions or understandings of reality. The term evokes themes of discovery, surprise, or enlightenment, emphasizing the importance of unveiling truths that have remained obscured.